Log Messages from ChromeDriver WebDriver


What log messages are generated from the ChromeDriver WebDriver server?

✍: FYIcenter.com


If you started the ChromeDriver WebDriver server with the "--verbose" option, you should see log messages in the console as shown below:

1. Log messages after received the "POST /session" request:

[INFO]: [...] COMMAND InitSession {... request JSON message ...}

[INFO]: Populating Preferences file: {...}
[INFO]: Populating Local State file: {...}
[INFO]: Launching chrome: "C:\...\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ...
DevTools listening on ws://
   ... Browser started with a debugging server running at port 49362
[DEBUG]: DevTools HTTP Request: http://localhost:49362/json/version
[DEBUG]: DevTools HTTP Response: {"Browser": "Chrome/75.0.3770.142",...}
[DEBUG]: DevTools HTTP Request: http://localhost:49362/json
[DEBUG]: DevTools HTTP Response: [ {...} ]
   ... WebDriver server talking to browser debugging server
[INFO]: resolved localhost to ["::1",""]
[DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Log.enable (id=1) C39B5DADE7D5D...
[DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: DOM.getDocument (id=2) C39B5DAD...
[DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Target.setAutoAttach (id=3) C39...
[DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Page.enable (id=4) C39B5DADE7D5...
   ... WebDriver server talking to browser using WebSocket

[INFO]: [...] RESPONSE InitSession {
   "sessionId": "d1e9fd4561397db9b4deb2cb5bbd0dbf"
   ... Sending back the session ID

2. Log messages after received the "POST /session/{id}/url" request:

[INFO]: [d1e9fd4561397db9b4deb2cb5bbd0dbf] COMMAND Navigate {
   "url": "http://sqa.fyicenter.com"
[INFO]: Waiting for pending navigations...
[DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Runtime.evaluate (id=10) C39B5DA...
[DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Runtime.evaluate (id=10) C39B5D...
[DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: DOM.getDocument (id=11) C39B5DAD...
[DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: DOM.getDocument (id=11) C39B5DA...
[INFO]: Done waiting for pending navigations. Status: ok             
[DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Command: Page.navigate (id=13) C39B5DADE7...
[DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Event: Page.frameNavigated C39B5DADE7D5D0...
[DEBUG]: DevTools WebSocket Response: Target.sendMessageToTarget (id=...
[INFO]: Done waiting for pending navigations. Status: ok
[INFO]: [d1e9fd4561397db9b4deb2cb5bbd0dbf] RESPONSE GetUrl "http://sqa.fyicenter.com/"


Mozilla GeckoDriver WebDriver Server

Load Web Page in ChromeDriver WebDriver Session

WebDriver and WebDriver Servers

⇑⇑ Selenium Tutorials

2020-03-15, 3486🔥, 0💬