Start Browser with MicrosoftWebDriver Server
How to start a new browser session with MicrosoftWebDriver server?
You can start a new browser session with MicrosoftWebDriver server using the "POST /session" service as shown in this tutorial.
1. Make sure Python is installed:
C:\fyicenter> python --version Python 3.7.4
2. Make sure Python "requests" module is installed:
C:\fyicenter> pip install requests ...
3. Start MicrosoftWebDriver server with logging turned on listening on port 17556.
C:\fyicenter>\fyicenter\selenium\edgedriver\MicrosoftWebDriver --verbose C:\fyicenter> \fyicenter\selenium\chromedriver\chromedriver.exe --verbose [...] - Starting server... [...] - Listening on http://localhost:17556/ [...] -
4. Enter the following Python script in a separate window to start a new browser session by sending a "POST /session" request:
C:\fyicenter> type # # Copyright (c) import requests data = """ { "capabilities": { "alwaysMatch": { "browserName": "edge", "goog:chromeOptions": { "args": [ ], "extensions": [ ] }, "platformName": "any" }, "firstMatch": [ { } ] }, "desiredCapabilities": { "browserName": "edge", "goog:chromeOptions": { "args": [ ], "extensions": [ ] }, "platform": "ANY", "version": "" } } """ res ="http://localhost:17556/session", data) print("Status: " + str(res.status_code)) print("Body: " + str(res.content))
5. Run the Python script:
C:\fyicenter> python Status: 200 Body: b'{ "sessionId": "936A2C88-D144-49B9-B11E-F455816E7D3A", "status": 0, "value": { "browserName": "MicrosoftEdge", "browserVersion": "42.17134.1.0", "platformName": "windows", "platformVersion": "10", "takesElementScreenshot": true, "takesScreenshot": true, "acceptSslCerts": true, "applicationCacheEnabled": true, "locationContextEnabled": true, "webStorageEnabled": true, "InPrivate": false, "pageLoadStrategy": "normal" } }'
You should see that WebDriver server starts a new session with a new Edge window started.
See the next tutorial on how load a Web page in a new session.
⇒ Load Web Page in MicrosoftWebDriver Session
⇐ Start MicrosoftWebDriver WebDriver Server
2020-02-29, 2634🔥, 0💬
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