Run REST API Request with Query Parameter
How to Run a REST API Request with Query Parameters?
When running a REST API request, you need to provide a actual values to each query parameter as shown in this tutorial.
1. Start SoapUI on your computer.
2. Click "File > Import" menu to open your SoapUI test project stored in "\fyicenter\REST-Project.xml".
3. Right-mouse click on "" service and select "Add Resource" from the context menu. You see the "Add REST Resource" dialog box.
4. Enter the following URL and click "OK". You see a new resource object added.,appl&types=quote
5. Double-click on "Request 1" under the new resource "batch [...]" You see 2 query parameters: "symbols" and "types".
6. Click in the "Value" field of each parameter to enter value.
7. Click the "Run" icon. You see the request executed.
8. Click the "JSON" tab on the response panel on the right. You see the response displayed as the JSON data format.
9. Click "File > Save All Projects" menu and save it as "\fyicenter\REST-project.xml".
The picture below shows you how to run your SoapUI REST project with query parameter:
⇒ Performing Load Tests with SoapUI
⇐ Run REST API Request with Template Parameter
2018-03-13, 2206🔥, 0💬
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