Selenium WebDriver Client APIs


What Is Selenium WebDriver Client APIs?



Selenium WebDriver Client APIs are libraries or modules provided by Selenium Org that allows you to access WebDriver communication interfaces from client applications in various programming languages.

Selenium WebDriver Client APIs are also called "Selenium Client & WebDriver Language Bindings". Currently, 5 APIs are provided to support 5 programming languages: Java, C#, Ruby, Python, and JavaScript.

WebDriver Client APIs for other languages are also available. But they are provided by third parties.

For a complete list of Selenium WebDriver Client APIs, visit

The diagram below shows you how Selenium WebDriver Client APIs are used for Selenium WebDriver program developers to access and control Web browsers.

Selenium WebDriver Client API Architecture
Selenium WebDriver Client API Architecture

See next tutorials on using Selenium WebDriver Client APIs for Java, Python and other programming languages.


Starting with Selenium WebDriver Client Java API

Start Microsoft Old Edge WebDriver Server

WebDriver and WebDriver Servers

⇑⇑ Selenium Tutorials

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