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Installing UFT from DVD Package
How to install UFT (Unified Functional Testing) from the UFT DVD package? I just downloaded UFT_14_DVD_Electronic_Release. zip.You can follow these steps to install UFT from the DVD package: 0. Restart your computer to ensure all programs are closed. 1. Run setup.exe from the DVD, if you have the ph...
2023-06-12, 800🔥, 0💬

Uninstalling UFT with Control Panel
How to uninstall UFT (Unified Functional Testing) with Control Panel? If you have an issue using UFT on your computer, you can consider uninstalling it. But make sure you have the installation package ready on your computer to re-install it. There are 2 ways to uninstall UFT on your computer: Using ...
2023-06-12, 785🔥, 0💬

REST API Resource with Template Parameters
How to add a REST API resource with template parameters in SoapUI? You can follow this tutorial to add new resources with template parameters to a REST API service in SoapUI. 1. Start SoapUI on your computer. 2. Click "File &gt; Import" menu to open your SoapUI test project stored in "\fyicenter...
2023-06-12, 3252🔥, 2💬

💬 2023-06-12 FYIcenter.com: @Stephen, Maybe you can try to simplify your template as: database/{database}/{geocode}

💬 2023-06-08 Stephen: How do you make a double parameter with a choice work? eg database/{database}/{geocode: geocode|geocode.json} I can get the data...

Enter Script Statement in UFT Test
How to enter script statements in a UFT test? Test script statements in UFT are organized into multiple actions. By default, when a new UFT test is created, an empty default Action is created and named as "Action1". You can follow these steps to open "Action1" and enter some script statements: 1. Cl...
2023-06-01, 2368🔥, 1💬

💬 2023-06-01 Raju: very informative and easy step by step tutorial

Test Case Reference Data Object Type
What is a simple data object type for test case references to support a test case? A test case reference provides a single reference identification to some external resources like a requirement document, a bug report, etc. A single test case can refer to multiple external resources. Here is a simple...
2023-05-15, 1972🔥, 1💬

Random Date and Time Generator
What are date and time test values? Date and time test values are frequently needed in testing date and time driven applications like an eCommerce or financial application. For example, you may to need to create a test order that has a past date. Or you need to enter a future date as the transaction...
2023-05-03, 1293236🔥, 7💬

💬 2023-05-03 i9h pQS U: Nice work!

💬 2020-09-22 Yodawgz0: You are beautiful

💬 2020-05-24 Moses: Thank you

(More comments ...)

JMeter Execution Order - Thread Groups
In what order thread groups are executed in JMeter? Thread groups, including regular "Thread Groups", "setUp Thread Groups", and "tearDown Thread Group", are executed in the order described in the rules below: "setUp Thread Groups" are executed first, even they are placed at the bottom of the "Test ...
2023-04-26, 20706🔥, 4💬

💬 2023-04-26 KJ: I find out the "Thread Groups" executes in parallel

💬 2023-02-28 FYIcenter.com: @ahmed, you are right!

💬 2023-02-28 ahmed: tear down should be executed last as per the theory

(More comments ...)

Online Tools
Where to find online test tools? FYIcenter.com has prepared a number of online test tools: Data Lookup Tools Show My IP Address and Host Name Show My Browser Identification Information Show My Browser Request Headers Local Time of World Largest Cities Exchange Rates of World Currencies Test Data Gen...
2023-04-02, 18463🔥, 0💬

Expand IPv6 Address
How to expand IPv6 addresses? In order to help your programming or testing tasks, FYIcenter.com has designed this online tool for you to expand any given IPv6 address. All you need to do is to enter an IPv6 address and click the "Expand" button. Expanded result will be displayed in the result area. ...
2023-03-16, 21685🔥, 1💬

💬 2023-03-16 xinc: Thanks! ☺

Designing Test Case Data Model
Where to find tutorials on Designing Test Case Data Model? Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team on Designing Test Case Data Model. What Is Software Test Case Test Case Data Object type Test Case Parameter Data Object Type Test Case Step...
2023-03-11, 3573🔥, 1💬

💬 2023-03-11 san: thx

What Is Software Test Case
What Is Software Test Case? A software test case is a small and independent unit of testing plan designed to verify a specific behavior of the targeted software. A test case should contain a set of conditions, test inputs, execution steps, and expectations. Key elements of a test case are: Objective...
2023-03-11, 2515🔥, 1💬

💬 2023-03-11 san: thanks

Email Address Validator
How to validate email address format? In order to help your programming or testing tasks, FYIcenter.com has designed this online tool for you to validate any given email address using PHP regular expressions. All you need to do is to enter an email address and click the "Validate" button. Validation...
2023-01-30, 61176🔥, 4💬

💬 2023-01-30 Said Belali: Thanks here to be in the help from some best near staff to be able to continued the play and give the best time to mind tomorrow

Guest Post on sqa.fyicenter.com
Hi, I want to guest post an article on your website. Let me know the price and the requirements if any. Would be happy to have a long-term business with you. Thanks.
2022-12-03, 772🔥, 1💬

💬 2022-12-03 FYIcenter.com: @Cole, you submit your article using the Ask form. Thanks.

Show My Browser Identification Information
How to find out my browser's identification information? To help you to see your browser identification information, FYIcenter.com has designed this online tool. All you need to do is to click the "Show Me" button below. Your browser identification information will be displayed in the result area. F...
2022-11-15, 29368🔥, 2💬

💬 2022-11-15 John Sass: Fed tax pmt sys EFTPS worked for years on my machine, now wont. System says that browser TLS 1.0 will; need to be updated to TLS...

💬 2022-02-18 Douglas May: Trying to pay a bill and my bank is telling me my browser is blocking me. ihave paid bills before with no problem. Help

execute_script() to Run JavaScript in Java
How to run JavaScript code on WebDriver with execute_script() method in Python? If you want run some client side JavaScript code in the same way as JavaScript code embedded in the Web page source code, you can use the execute_script() method as describe below: 1. Load the Web page to a WebDriver obj...
2022-09-30, 2414🔥, 1💬

Web Testing Checklist about Usability
Navigation 1. Is terminology consistent? 2. Are navigation buttons consistently located? 3. Is navigation to the correct/intended destination? 4. Is the flow to destination (page to page) logical? 5. Is the flow to destination the page top-bottom left to right? 6. Is there a logical way to return? 7...
2022-08-26, 988🔥, 0💬

Random User Birthday Generator
How to generate user birthday dates? Test user birthday dates are frequently needed in testing applications that create and manage users financial information like an online bank, or a tax filing site. To help you to obtain some user birthday dates for testing purpose, FYIcenter.com has designed thi...
2022-08-18, 34608🔥, 1💬

💬 2022-08-18 Tester: Need minimum age

Test Data Generators
Where to find test data generators? FYIcenter.com has prepared a number of test data generators for you: Test Credit Card Number Generator Test Email Address Generator Test User Password Generator Test IP Address Generator Test IPv6 Address Generator Test MAC Address Generator Test ISBN Number Gener...
2022-08-03, 10511🔥, 3💬

💬 2022-08-03 john: test sms only

💬 2019-12-29 HSIEN FENG CHEN: 4611588867352301

Convert IPv4 to IPv6 Address
How to convert IPv4 to IPv6 addresses? In order to help your programming or testing tasks, FYIcenter.com has designed this online tool for you to convert any given IPv4 address to IPv6 addresses. All you need to do is to enter an IPv4 address and click the "Convert" button. Converted IPv6 addresses ...
2022-04-02, 11852🔥, 0💬

Compress IPv6 Address
How to compress IPv6 addresses? In order to help your programming or testing tasks, FYIcenter.com has designed this online tool for you to compress any given IPv6 address. All you need to do is to enter an IPv6 address and click the "Compress" button. Compressed result will be displayed in the resul...
2022-04-02, 3133🔥, 0💬

gzip Compressed HTTP Response in SoapUI
Why I am getting gzip compressed HTTP response in SoapUI? If you run a HTTP request for some Website, you may get gzip compressed HTTP response back as shown in this tutorial. 1. Create a new project in SoapUI and add the following HTTP request: TestStep Name: Bing Home Endpoint: http://www.bing.com...
2022-03-18, 13655🔥, 1💬

Top Popular Software Testing Tools
Here is a list of top popular Software Testing Commercial and Free Tools: Rank Name Vendor Pricing 1 Selenium seleniumhq.org Free 2 TestingWhiz Cygnet Infotech ? 3 Sahi Pro Sahi Pro $695 /Year 4 Apache JMeter Apache Free 5 TestComplete SmartBear $3,500 6 UFT/QTP Micro Focus $6,000 7 Ranorex Ranorex ...
2022-02-14, 3490🔥, 2💬

💬 2022-02-14 Aesha Bhatt: Hi, I've reached out several times but haven't heard back, which tells me one of three things: 1. You’re interested in giving li...

💬 2017-12-01 Paul: JMeter is good!

Disabled Input Field with WebDriver in Python
How to update Disabled input value field value with WebDriver in Python? Normally, a disabled input value field is used to display some read-only value in the Web page. The disabled value is not passed back to the Web server when the page is submitted. You should not change the disabled value. But i...
2022-02-02, 6935🔥, 1💬

💬 2022-02-02 Vi: Thanks

Which things to consider to test a mobile application through black box technique?
Which things to consider to test a mobile application through black box technique? Not sure how your device/server is to operate, so mold these ideas to fit your app. Some highlights are: Range testing: Ensure that you can reconnect when leaving and returning back into range. Port/IP/firewall testin...
2022-01-27, 1148🔥, 0💬

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