What Is Software Test Case


What Is Software Test Case?

✍: FYIcenter.com


A software test case is a small and independent unit of testing plan designed to verify a specific behavior of the targeted software. A test case should contain a set of conditions, test inputs, execution steps, and expectations.

Key elements of a test case are:

  • Objective - What behavior of the targeted software do you want to test? Is the behavior related to which function in which component of the targeted software?
  • Conditions - What conditions of the targeted software are needed to execute this test case? What conditions are resulted from executing this test case?
  • Inputs - What data inputs are needed to execute this test case?
  • Steps - What action steps are needed to execute this test case?
  • Expectations - What behaviors are expected from the targeted software so that we can declare that this test case is passed.


Test Case Data Object type

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Designing Test Case Data Model

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2023-03-11, 2474🔥, 1💬