Interview Questions

Automated Testing Detail Test Plan - Winrunner Script, Result and Report Repository

Automated Testing Detail Test Plan and Automated Standards

(Continued from previous question...)

Automated Testing Detail Test Plan - Winrunner Script, Result and Report Repository

1. LAB 11, located within the XX Test Lab, will house the original Winrunner Script, Results and Report Repository for automated testing within the Generic Project. WRITE access is granted Winrunner Technicians and READ ONLY access is granted those who are authorized to run scripts but not make any improvements. This is meant to maintain the purity of each script version.
2. Winrunner on LAB11 W Drive houses all Winrunner related documents, etc for XX automated testing.
3. Project file folders for the Generic Project represent the initial structure of project folders utilizing automated testing. As our automation becomes more advanced, the structure will spread to other appropriate areas.
4. Under each Project file folder, a folder for SCRIPT, RESULT and REPORT can be found.
5. All automated scripts generated for each project will be filed under Winrunner on LAB11 W Drive/Generic/Scripts Folder and moved to folder ARCHIVE SCRIPTS as necessary
6. All GUI MAPS generated will be filed under Winrunner on LAB11 W Drive/Generic/Scripts/gui_files Folder.
7. All automated test results are filed under the individual Script Folder after each script run. Results will be referred to and reports generated utilizing applicable statistics. Automated Test Results referenced by reports sent to management will be kept under the Winrunner on LAB11 W Drive/Generic/Results Folder. Before work on evaluating a new set of test results is begun, all prior results are placed into Winrunner on LAB11 W Drive/Generic/Results/Archived Results Folder. This will ensure all reported statistics are available for closer scrutiny when required.
8. All reports generated from automated scripts and sent to upper management will be filed under Winrunner on LAB11 W Drive/Generic/Reports Folder

(Continued on next question...)

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