Interview Questions

Automated Testing Detail Test Plan - Pass/Fail Criteria

Automated Testing Detail Test Plan and Automated Standards

(Continued from previous question...)

Automated Testing Detail Test Plan - Pass/Fail Criteria

The results for each test must be compared to the pre-defined expected test results, as documented in the ADTP (and DTP where applicable). The actual results are logged in the Test Case detail within the Detail Test Plan if those results differ from the expected results. If the actual results match the expected results, the Test Case can be marked as a passed item, without logging the duplicated results.
A test case passes if it produces the expected results as documented in the ADTP or Detail Test Plan (manual test plan). A test case fails if the actual results produced by its execution do not match the expected results. The source of failure may be the application under test, the test case, the expected results, or the data in the test environment. Test case failures must be logged regardless of the source of the failure.
Any bugs or problems will be logged in the DEFECT TRACKING TOOL.
The responsible application resource corrects the problem and tests the repair. Once this is complete, the tester who generated the problem log is notified, and the item is re-tested. If the retest is successful, the status is updated and the problem log is closed.
If the retest is unsuccessful, or if another problem has been identified, the problem log status is updated and the problem description is updated with the new findings. It is then returned to the responsible application personnel for correction and test.
Severity Codes are used to prioritize work in the test phase. They are assigned by the test group and are not modifiable by any other group. The following standard Severity Codes to be used for identifying defects are:

Table 1 Severity Codes

Severity Code Number Severity Code Name Description
1. Critical Automated tests cannot proceed further within applicable test case (no work around)
2. High The test case or procedure can be completed, but produces incorrect output when valid information is input.
3. Medium The test case or procedure can be completed and produces correct output when valid information is input, but produces incorrect output when invalid information is input.(e.g. no special characters are allowed as part of specifications but when a special character is a part of the test and the system allows a user to continue, this is a medium severity)
4. Low All test cases and procedures passed as written, but there could be minor revisions, cosmetic changes, etc. These defects do not impact functional execution of system

(Continued on next question...)

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