Define Variable as Part of Test Plan
How to define a variable as part of my JMeter Test Plan?
You can follow this tutorial to define a variable as part of your Test Plan.
1. Run JMeter and create a test plan called Get-Exchange-Rate.jmx.
2. Click to open the test plan properties panel.
3. Click "Add" to define a new variable:
Name: hostname Value:
4. Add a thread group and child HTTP Request sampler with these properties:
Name: Latest Exchange Rate Protocol: https Server Name: ${hostname} Method: GET Path: /latest
5. Save the test plan and run it. JMeter will make HTTP request of GET
The picture below shows you how to define a variable as part of the test plan properties:
⇒ Define Variable as Part of Post-Processors
⇐ What Are User Defined Variables
2018-06-05, 2053🔥, 0💬
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