Performance Impact of Higher Azure Service Tier


What is the Performance Impact of Higher Azure Service Tier?



If you want to see the performance impact of Azure Service tier, you can re-run the same test script, fyi_block_insert.sql, on another Azure SQL Database with higher service tier.

For example, run fyi_block_insert.sql, on a Azure SQL Database with "Standard: 400 eDTUs (Elastic DTU)":

 Size   Count   Duration   Throughput   Latency   Throughput   IOPS
                               Record                     KB          
  256     100        424          235         4           58      7
  512     100        404          247         4          123     15
 1024     100        403          248         4          248     31
 2048     100        404          247         4          495     61
 4096     100        436          229         4          917    114
 8192     100        417          239         4         1918    239
16384     100        537          186         5         2979    372
32768     100        710          140         7         4507    563
 8192    1000       4213          237         4         1898    237
16384    1000       4580          218         4         3493    436
32768    1000       4977          200         4         6429    803
 8192   10000      43760          228         4         1828    228
16384   10000      48020          208         4         3331    416
32768   10000      60614          164         6         5279    659
 8192   20000      89057          224         4         1796    224
16384   20000      96730          206         4         3308    413
32768   20000     106990          186         5         5981    747

As you can see, if throughput performance peaks at 6,429 KB/sec.

If we put this best INSERT performance together with other best INSERT performance from previous tutorials, we can see the impact of higher Azure Service Tier:

Service:        Tier   Read   Write | Latency   Throughput   IOPS   IOPS
                         ms      ms |      ms         KB/s          /DTU
--------------------   ----   ----- | -------   ----------   ----   ----
Standard S0: 10 DTUs      5      10 |       4         1152    144     14
 Standard: 400 eDTUs      5      10 |       4         6429    803      2

This table shows us that "Standard S0: 10 DTUs" is much better deal, 7 times more work gets done per DTU comparing with "Standard: 400 eDTUs"!


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Input Operation Test with Large Records

IOPS Tests on Azure SQL Database with INSERT

⇑⇑ SQL Server Storage Tutorials

2019-07-21, 1303🔥, 0💬