Update TestMan Test Run Tables
How to update TestMan Test_Run and Test_Run_Case tables with data from Test_Run_Case_Step table?
"Duration", "Total", and "Failed" in Test_Run and Test_Run_Case tables can be calculated from Test_Run_Case_Step table as shown in the UpdateJMeterData.sql SQL script below:
-- UpdateJMeterData.sql use TestMan; -- Updating Test_Run_Case table update Test_Run_Case c join ( select Test_Run_Case_ID as ID, sum(Duration) as Duration from Test_Run_Case_Step group by Test_Run_Case_ID ) s on c.ID = s.ID set c.Duration = s.Duration where c.Duration is null; update Test_Run_Case c set c.Duration = 0 where c.Duration is null; update Test_Run_Case c join ( select Test_Run_Case_ID as ID, count(*) as Count from Test_Run_Case_Step where Success = 0 group by Test_Run_Case_ID ) s on c.ID = s.ID set c.Failed = s.Count where c.Failed is null; update Test_Run_Case c set c.Failed = 0 where c.Failed is null; update Test_Run_Case c set c.Success = if(c.Failed=0, 1, 0) where c.Success is null; -- Updating Test_Run table update Test_Run r join ( select Test_Run_ID as ID, Count(*) as Count from Test_Run_Case group by Test_Run_ID ) c on r.ID = c.ID set r.Total = c.Count where r.Total is null; update Test_Run r set r.Total = 0 where r.Total is null; update Test_Run r join ( select Test_Run_ID as ID, sum(Duration) as Duration from Test_Run_Case group by Test_Run_ID ) c on r.ID = c.ID set r.Duration = c.Duration where r.Duration is null; update Test_Run r set r.Duration = 0 where r.Duration is null; update Test_Run r join ( select Test_Run_ID as ID, count(*) as Count from Test_Run_Case where Success = 0 group by Test_Run_ID ) c on r.ID = c.ID set r.Failed = c.Count where r.Failed is null; update Test_Run r set r.Failed = 0 where r.Failed is null; update Test_Run r set r.Success = if(r.Failed=0, 1, 0) where r.Success is null;
⇒ Archive JMeter Test Result Data
⇐ Convert JMeter Test Result to TestMan
2017-12-13, 1643🔥, 0💬
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