Convert JMeter Test Result to TestMan
How to Convert JMeter Test Result to TestMan Data Model?
In order migrate JMeter test result to TestMan, we need to decide how to convert JMeter test result data to TestMan tables and fields.
One way to map JMeter test result to TestMan is described below:
Here is the SQL script ConvertJMeterData.sql to convert the JMeter Test Result to TestMan tables:
-- ConvertJMeterData.sql use TestMan; insert into Test_Run ( Reference, -- jmeter_test_result.trid TimeStamp -- jmeter_test_result.timestamp ) select trid, min(from_unixtime(timestamp/1000)) from jmeter_test_result group by trid; insert into Test_Run_Case ( Test_Run_ID, Reference, -- jmeter_test_result.tcid TimeStamp, -- jmeter_test_result.timestamp Target, -- Station, -- jmeter_test_result.station Tester, -- jmeter_test_result.tester Name, -- jmeter_test_result.tcname Component, -- jmeter_test_result.component Function, -- jmeter_test_result.function Total ) select r.ID, j.tcid, min(from_unixtime(j.timestamp/1000)), min(, min(j.station), min(j.tester), min(j.tcname), min(j.component), min(j.function), count(*) from jmeter_test_result j, Test_Run r where j.trid = r.reference group by r.ID, j.tcid; insert into Test_Run_Case_Step ( Test_Run_Case_ID, Timestamp, -- jmeter_test_result.timestamp Duration, -- jmeter_test_result.elapsed Name, -- jmeter_test_result.label Success, -- jmeter_test_result.success Output -- jmeter_test_result.output ) select c.ID, from_unixtime(j.timestamp/1000), j.elapsed, j.label, if(j.success='true', 1, 0), j.output from jmeter_test_result j, Test_Run r, Test_Run_Case c where j.trid = r.Reference and r.ID = c.Test_Run_ID and j.tcid = c.Reference;
See the next tutorial on how to update Test_Run and Test_Run_Case tables from Test_Run_Case_Step table.
⇒ Update TestMan Test Run Tables
⇐ Alter JMeter Test Result Table Structure
2017-12-13, 1770🔥, 0💬
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