HTTP POST with XML Message


How to use HTTP protocol to post an XML message to a server?



You can follow this tutorial to post an XML message to a server with JMeter.

1. Create a Test Plan called Azure-Echo-API.jmx with the following HTTP Request in a Thread Group:

Protocol: http
Server Name:
Method: POST
Path: /api
Body Data:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<TestRun xmlns:xsi=""
   <field name="ID">1</field>
   <field name="Name">First Run</field>
   <field name="Success">1</field>
   <field name="Reference" xsi:nil="true" />

2. Add a "View Results Tree" listener to the test plan. And run it.

3. Open the "View Results Tree" listener, select the HTTP Request, and click on "Response Data". You see the same XML message returned back from the saver.

The picture below shows you the posted XML message returned from a remote server:

POST XML Message to Server
POST XML Message to Server


XML Assertion - XML Validation

Working With XML Body Messages

Working With XML Body Messages

⇑⇑ Apache JMeter Tutorials

2018-03-18, 15571🔥, 0💬