XPath Assertion - XPath Expression Matches


How to use XPath Assertion to validate XML message in JMeter?

✍: FYIcenter.com


The XPath Assertion allows you to validate the response XML message with an XPath expression match. If a match is found, the assertion is passed.

You can follow this tutorial to see how XPath Assertion works.

1. Copy and create a Test Plan called Azure-Echo-API-3.jmx.

2. Add an XPath Assertion to "Post a Valid XML" sampler with the following XPath expression which looks for an XML element called "field" under "/TestRun" with an attribute of name="Name" and a test content of "First Run":

/TestRun/field[@name="Name" and text()="First Run"]

3. Run the test plan and open the "View Results Tree" listener. You see the "Post a Valid XML" sampler passed, because a match was found in the XML message.

The picture below shows you how to setup an XPath Assertion to validate XML responses:

XPath Assertion - XPath Expression Match
XPath Assertion - XPath Expression Match


XPath Extractor - Capture XML Data

XML Assertion - XML Validation

Working With XML Body Messages

⇑⇑ Apache JMeter Tutorials

2018-10-08, 4955🔥, 0💬