JMeter Execution Order - Samplers


In what order samplers are executed in JMeter?



Samplers of all types are executed in the order described in the rules below:

  1. Samplers in the same thread group are executed sequentially by traversing the group tree branch from top to bottom.
  2. Samplers in a logical controller may not be executed depending on the condition of the controller.

Let's create the following Test Plan tree, JMeter-Execution-Order-2.jmx, to verify these rules:

Test Plan
   |- setUp Thread Group
   |     |- Sampler Z
   |- tearDown Thread Group
   |     |- Sampler A
   |- Thread Group 1
   |     |- Sampler 11
   |     |- Sampler 12
   |     |- If Controller (1==2)
   |           |- Sampler 13
   |- Thread Group 2
         |- Sampler 21
         |- Sampler 22
         |- If Controller (2==2)
               |- Sampler 23

Run the above Test Plan. You see the following execution order:

Sampler A
Sampler 11
Sampler 12
           - Condition failed on Sampler 13
Sampler 21
Sampler 22
Sampler 23 
Sampler Z


JMeter Execution Order - PreProcessors

JMeter Execution Order - Thread Groups

JMeter Test Elements and Execution Order

⇑⇑ Apache JMeter Tutorials

2018-08-14, 4172🔥, 0💬