JMeter Execution Order - PostProcessors
In what order PostProcessors are executed in JMeter?
PostProcessors of all types are executed in the order described in the rules below:
Let's create the following Test Plan tree, JMeter-Execution-Order-4.jmx, to verify these rules:
Test Plan |- setUp Thread Group | |- Sampler Z |- tearDown Thread Group | |- Sampler A |- Thread Group 1 | |- Sampler 11 | |- Sampler 12 | |- If Controller (1==2) | |- Sampler 13 |- Thread Group 2 | |- PreProcessor 2 | |- PostProcessor B | |- Sampler 21 | |- Sampler 22 | |- If Controller (2==2) | |- Sampler 23 | |- PostProcessor C | |- PreProcessor 3 |- PreProcessor 1 |- PostProcessor A
Run the above Test Plan. You see the following execution order:
PreProcessor 1 Sampler A PostProcessor A - Rule 2 applied PreProcessor 1 Sampler 11 PostProcessor A - Rule 2 applied PreProcessor 1 Sampler 12 PostProcessor A - Rule 2 applied PreProcessor 2 PreProcessor 1 Sampler 21 PostProcessor B - Rule 3 applied PostProcessor A PreProcessor 2 PreProcessor 1 Sampler 22 PostProcessor B - Rule 3 applied PostProcessor A PreProcessor 2 PreProcessor 1 PreProcessor 3 Sampler 23 PostProcessor B - Rule 3 applied PostProcessor A - Rule 4 applied PostProcessor C PreProcessor 1 Sampler Z PostProcessor A - Rule 2 applied
⇒ JMeter Execution Order - Assertions
⇐ JMeter Execution Order - PreProcessors
2018-10-13, 2733🔥, 0💬
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