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Save Recorded Test on Selenium IDE for Chrome
How to save Recorded Test on Selenium IDE for Chrome? If you like what you have recorded with Selenium IDE for Chrome, you can follow this tutorial to save all recorded tests in the project to local file. 1. Click "Save" icon in the menu area in the Selenium IDE window. 2. Save the project file to a...
2019-09-16, 1672🔥, 0💬

Run Recorded Test on Selenium IDE for Chrome
How to Run Recorded Test on Selenium IDE for Chrome? Once you have recorded your navigation steps with Selenium IDE on Chrome, you run it to see if it works again or not. 1. Open the test you want to run on the Selenium IDE window. 2. Click "Run" icon in the menu area. You see a Chrome windows opens...
2019-09-16, 1589🔥, 0💬

Review Recorded Steps on Selenium IDE for Chrome
How to Review Recorded Steps on Selenium IDE for Chrome? After you have completed your navigation activities in the Chrome window, you can follow this tutorial to stop recording and review recorded steps. 1. Go to the Selenium IDE window and click the "Stop Recording" icon near the top right corner....
2019-09-16, 1579🔥, 0💬

Introduction to Selenium
Where to find tutorials on Introduction to Selenium? Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team on Introduction to Selenium. What Is Selenium   ⇒ What Is Selenium ⇐ Selenium Tutorials ⇑⇑ Selenium Tutorials
2019-09-14, 1814🔥, 1💬

Convert Chrome Selenium IDE Test to Python
How to Convert Chrome Selenium IDE Test to a Python program using WebDriver client API? If you like what you have recorded in a test with Selenium IDE for Chrome you can follow this tutorial to convert it a Python program using WebDriver client API, 1. Right-click the test name "Search Test". You se...
2019-09-04, 7408🔥, 0💬

Use Variable in Selenium IDE for Chrome
How to Use Variables in Selenium IDE for Chrome? When using variables in test steps in Selenium IDE for Chrome, you need to remember the following: 1. Use "store *" commands to assign values to variables. For example, "store | Hello world! | message" assigns "Hello world!" as a text value to a varia...
2019-09-04, 7083🔥, 0💬

Add/Delete Steps in Selenium IDE for Chrome
How to Add and Delete Test Steps in Selenium IDE for Chrome? I want modify test steps manually instead of regenerating them from Chrome browser navigation recording. If you want to delete a step from a test or add a step to a test in in Selenium IDE for Chrome manually, you can follow this tutorial....
2019-09-04, 4049🔥, 0💬

Convert Chrome Selenium IDE Test to Java
How to Convert Chrome Selenium IDE Test to a Java program using WebDriver client API? If you like what you have recorded in a test with Selenium IDE for Chrome you can follow this tutorial to convert it a Java program using WebDriver client API, 1. Right-click the test name "Search Test". You see th...
2019-09-04, 3477🔥, 0💬

Test Step Commands in Selenium IDE for Chrome
What are commonly used test step commands in Selenium IDE for Chrome? Selenium IDE for Chrome supports the following commonly used test step commands: "assert | variable | value" - Compares the variable's value to a given value. The test will stop if the assert fails. "assert element present | locat...
2019-09-04, 2720🔥, 0💬

Find Target in Page in Selenium IDE for Chrome
How to Select Target in Page manually in Selenium IDE for Chrome? If you have a page element locator specified in a test step, you can used the "Select Target in Page" function to verify is the element exists or not on the page. 1. Start Chrome browser and visit sqa.fyicenter.com . 2. Open Selenium ...
2019-07-23, 6328🔥, 0💬

Debug Tests in Selenium IDE for Chrome
How to debug tests in Selenium IDE for Chrome? There are several tools you can use to debug tests in Selenium IDE for Chrome, 1. Use "echo" commands to print out information in the log output. 2. Use breakpoints to pause execution to inspect the Web page in the browser. 3. Click "Resume" icon to res...
2019-07-18, 2038🔥, 0💬

Selenium Tutorials
Where to find tutorials on Selenium test tools? I want to know how to use Selenium. Here is a large collection of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team about Selenium test tools: Introduction to Selenium What Is Selenium WebDriver and WebDriver Servers Wh...
2019-07-14, 7816🔥, 0💬

Use "while ..." Command in Selenium IDE for Chrome
How to Use "while ..." Command in Selenium IDE for Chrome? When using "while ..." Commands in test steps in Selenium IDE for Chrome, you need to remember the following: 1. Use "while ... end" to form a loop block of test steps. 2. Use JavaScript Boolean expression syntax to specify conditions to "wh...
2019-06-28, 4293🔥, 0💬

Select Page Element in Selenium IDE for Chrome
How to Select Page Element manually in Selenium IDE for Chrome? You use the "Record" function to select page elements to build test steps in Selenium IDE for Chrome. You can also use the "Find target in page" function to build test steps manually as shown in this tutorial. 1. Start Chrome browser an...
2019-06-23, 2001🔥, 0💬

WebDriver and WebDriver Servers
Where to find tutorials on WebDriver and WebDriver Servers for different browsers? Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team on WebDriver and WebDriver Servers for different browsers. What Is WebDriver Google ChromeDriver WebDriver Server St...
2019-06-15, 1727🔥, 0💬

Use "if ..." Command in Selenium IDE for Chrome
How to Use "if ..." Command in Selenium IDE for Chrome? When using "if ..." Commands in test steps in Selenium IDE for Chrome, you need to remember the following: 1. Use "if ... end" to form a single branch of test steps. 2. Use "if ... else ... end" to form two branches of test steps. 3. Use "if .....
2019-05-30, 3932🔥, 0💬

What Is Selenium
What Is Selenium? Selenium is a set of open-source software tools each with a different approach to supporting test automation. The entire suite of tools results in a rich set of testing functions specifically geared to the needs of testing of web applications of all types. These operations are high...
2019-05-28, 1807🔥, 0💬

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