Save Recorded Test on Selenium IDE for Chrome
How to save Recorded Test on Selenium IDE for Chrome?
If you like what you have recorded with Selenium IDE for Chrome, you can follow this tutorial to save all recorded tests in the project to local file.
1. Click "Save" icon in the menu area in the Selenium IDE window.
2. Save the project file to a folder like "C:\fyicenter\FYI-Center.side".
3. Open the save project file in a text editor to review.
{ "id": "4c264cea-19fd-4c67-9b49-93380db107e8", "version": "2.0", "name": "FYI Center", "url": "", "tests": [{ "id": "9d38cdf0-4e40-41d3-8519-68ab1ad1c574", "name": "Search Test", "commands": [{ "id": "2b4c300e-d359-486a-b459-fb60f63e7a9e", "comment": "", "command": "open", "target": "/", "targets": [], "value": "" }, { "id": "2e694d3d-7589-44da-b020-9e72061cab29", "comment": "", "command": "setWindowSize", "target": "1211x648", "targets": [], "value": "" }, { "id": "aadbab1d-fe93-4d2c-a825-07b41c37076d", "comment": "", "command": "click", "target": "name=Q", "targets": [ ["name=Q", "name"], ["css=input:nth-child(2)", "css:finder"], ["xpath=//input[@name='Q']", "xpath:attributes"], ["xpath=//div[@id='header']/form/p/input", "xpath:idRelative"], ["xpath=//input", "xpath:position"] ], "value": "" }, ...] }], "suites": [{ "id": "17890813-4145-4341-8cd0-eee8d6b9559a", "name": "Default Suite", "persistSession": false, "parallel": false, "timeout": 300, "tests": ["9d38cdf0-4e40-41d3-8519-68ab1ad1c574"] }], "urls": [""], "plugins": [] }
As you can see, recorded test steps are save JSON format.
Notice that the target page element used a test step may have multiple ways to identify it. For example, the "<input name=Q ...> element can be identified in 5 ways list below:
"target": "name=Q", "targets": [ ["name=Q", "name"], ["css=input:nth-child(2)", "css:finder"], ["xpath=//input[@name='Q']", "xpath:attributes"], ["xpath=//div[@id='header']/form/p/input", "xpath:idRelative"], ["xpath=//input", "xpath:position"] ],
⇒ Open Saved Tests on Selenium IDE for Chrome
⇐ Run Recorded Test on Selenium IDE for Chrome
2019-09-16, 1634🔥, 0💬
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