Interview Questions

Test Plan Driver Method

The Test Plan Samples

(Continued from previous question...)

Test Plan Driver Method

The "Test Plan Driver" method preserves most of the advantages of the "Function Decomposition" method, while eliminating most of the disadvantages. In this method, the entire testing process is data-driven including functionality. The detail Test Plan is written in a specific format, then saved in a particular record-format which the pre-written "Utility" scripts use to control the entire processing of the Automated Test.


This example shows a Test case document developed by the tester using a spreadsheet containing "Key-Words" in Column 1. In this method, the entire process is data-driven, including functionality. The Key Word control the processing. Note that this test case could also be executed manually if necessary.

| Column 1  | Column 2     |  Column 3           | Column 4   | Column 5  |
|           |              |                     |            |           | 
| Key_Word  | Field/Window |  Input/Verification | Comment    | Pass/Fail | 
|           |  Name        |   Data              |            |           |
|           |              |                     | Verify     |           | 
| Star_Test | Window       |  Main Menu          | Starting   |           | 
|           |              |                     | Point      |           |
|           |              |                     | Select     |           | 
| Enter     | Selection    |  3                  | Payment    |           | 
|           |              |                     | Option     |           |
|           |              |                     | Access     |           | 
| Action    | Press_Key    |  Enter              | Payment    |           | 
|           |              |                     | Screen     |           |
|           |              |                     | Verify     |           | 
| Verify    | Window       |  Payment postig     | Screen     |           | 
|           |              |                     | accessed   |           |
|           |              |                     | Enter      |           | 
| Enter     | Payment      |  125.87             | Payment    |           | 
|           | Amount       |                     | data       |           |
|           |              |                     |            |           | 
|           | Payment      |  Check              |            |           | 
|           | Method       |                     |            |           |
|           |              |                     |            |           | 
| Action    | Press_Button |  Post               | Process    |           | 
|           |              |                     | Payment    |           |
|           |              |                     | Verify     |           | 
| Verify    | Window       |  Payment Posting    | screen     |           | 
|           |              |                     | remains    |           |
|           |              |                     | Verify     |           | 
| Verify    | Payment      |  125.87             | updated    |           | 
| Data      | Amount       |                     | data       |           |
|           |              |                     |            |           | 
|           | Current      |  1,309.77           |            |           | 
|           | Balance      |                     |            |           |
|           |              |                     |            |           | 
|           | Status       |  Payment Posted     |            |           | 
|           | Message      |                     |            |           |
|           |              |                     |            |           | 
| Action    | Press        |  Exit               |  Return to |           | 
|           | Button       |                     |  Main Menu |           |
|           |              |                     |  Verify    |           | 
| End       | Window       |  Main Menu          |  Return to |           | 
| Test      |              |                     |  Main Menu |           |

(Continued on next question...)

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