Submit Web Form with WebDriver in Python
How to submit Web Page Form with Selenium WebDriver in Python?
You can follow this tutorial to enter input data and submit a Web page form with Selenium WebDriver.
Several methods from Selenium WebDriver classes will be used:
1. Enter the following program,
# # Copyright (c) from selenium.webdriver import Chrome import time driver = Chrome() driver.get("") # get the first "form" element in the page form = driver.find_element_by_tag_name("form") # get the input element of the form. query = form.find_element_by_name("Q") query.send_keys("selenium") # submit form form.submit() url = driver.current_url print("Test Case - Submit a search:") print(" Actual Value: "+url) print(" Expected Value: ..Q=selenium...") if (url.endswith("Q=selenium")): print(" Test Result: Passed") else: print(" Test Result: Failed") # pause for 1 minute before closing time.sleep(60) driver.quit()
2. Compile and run it with the Selenium Client JAR file.
C:\fyicenter>python DevTools listening on ws:// Test Case - Submit a search: Actual Value: Expected Value: ..Q=selenium... Test Result: Passed
As you can see, we are able to enter a search criteria and submit the FORM element without any problem with Chrome WebDriver.
⇒ execute_script() to Run JavaScript in Java
⇐ Retrieve Web Form Elements with WebDriver in Python
2019-10-18, 1343🔥, 0💬
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