Input Operation Test with INSERT Statements
How to run an input operation test with INSERT statements?
You can put an INSERT statement in a WHILE loop to run an input operation test as shown in this tutorial.
Create the following SQL script, fyi_int_insert.sql:
-- fyi_int_insert.sql -- Copyright (c) DECLARE @Count INT SET @Count = 100 DECLARE @I INT DECLARE @STime DATETIME DECLARE @ETime DATETIME DECLARE @Duration INT TRUNCATE TABLE FYI_INT SET @STime = GETDATE() SET @I = 0 WHILE @I < @Count BEGIN INSERT INTO FYI_INT VALUES (@I) SET @I = @I+1 END SET @ETime = GETDATE() TRUNCATE TABLE FYI_INT SET @Duration = DATEDIFF(millisecond,@STime,@ETime) SELECT @Count AS Count, @Duration AS Duration, 1000*@Count/@Duration AS Throughput, @Duration/@Count AS Latency
This script, fyi_int_insert.sql, will generate 4 fields in the output:
Now run the script with different @Count values on the Azure SQL Database. You will get something like:
Count Duration Throughput Latency 100 410 243 4 1000 4140 241 4 10000 45453 220 4 50000 215640 231 4
As you can see, the script is working. This Azure SQL Database gives me a throughput of about 240 INSERT statements per second. It's not really fast. But it is very stable, no ups and downs.
⇒ Verify Azure SQL Database Storage Usage
⇐ Table for IOPS Tests on INSERT Statements
2019-07-30, 1507🔥, 0💬
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