"TestRunner -M" for Test Run Log Report
How to use SoapUI "TestRunner -M" command option to create a Test Run Log Report in XML format?
If you want to get a nice test run report in XML format, you can use the SoapUI "TestRunner -M" command option as shown below:
C:\fyicenter>\fyicenter\SoapUI\bin\testrunner.bat -M -r flickr-project.xml ... SoapUI 5.2.0 TestCaseRunner Summary ----------------------------- Time Taken: 1186ms Total TestSuites: 1 Total TestCases: 1 (0 failed) Total TestSteps: 2 Total Request Assertions: 0 Total Failed Assertions: 0 Total Exported Results: 0
Open the "test_case_run_log_report.xml" file in a text editor. You see a Test Run Log Report in XML format:
<con:testCaseRunLog testCase="TestCase 1" timeTaken="1609" status="FINISHED" timeStamp="2018-01-28 14:02:48" xmlns:con=""> <con:testCaseRunLogTestStep name="flickr home" timeTaken="869" status="UNKNOWN" timestamp="2018-01-28 14:02:49" endpoint="" httpStatus="200" contentLength="48875" readTime="45" totalTime="858" dnsTime="0" connectTime="688" timeToFirstByte="125" httpMethod="GET" ipAddress=""/> <con:testCaseRunLogTestStep name="flickr image" timeTaken="740" status="UNKNOWN" timestamp="2018-01-28 14:02:50" endpoint="" httpStatus="200" contentLength="52730" readTime="140" totalTime="735" dnsTime="0" connectTime="16" timeToFirstByte="579" httpMethod="GET" ipAddress=""/> </con:testCaseRunLog>
⇒ "TestRunner -a" to Export All Results
⇐ "TestRunner -r" to Print Summary Report
2018-02-28, 1797🔥, 0💬
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