Load Function Library in UFT Test
How to load a Function Library file in a UFT test?
There are several ways to load a function library file in a UFT test.
1. Load function library with test settings - Go to "File > Settings > Resources". Then click the "+" icon under the "Libraries" section. Use the file browser icon to select and load the function library file.
2. Load function library with "Solution Explorer" panel - Open the test in the "Solution Explorer". Then right-mouse click the test name to select "Add > Associate Function Library". Use the file browser icon to select and load the function library file.
3. Load function library with LoadFunctionLibrary() method - In the test script, use the LoadFunctionLibrary(file_path) to load the function library file.
⇒ UFT (Unified Functional Testing) Tutorials
2018-01-24, 2193🔥, 0💬
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