Test Case History Data Object Type


What is a simple data object type for test case history to support a test case?

✍: FYIcenter.com


A test case history provides a single record about what change was made by who and when.

Here is a simple data object type for test case histories.

Test_Case_History data type, in TestMan version 1.00, properties:

  • ID - Identification of this test case reference.
  • Test_Case_ID - Reference to the test case data object.
  • Description - A long description of the change.
  • Timestamp - A timestamp of when the change was made to the test case.
  • Author - Name of the person who made the change.

Examples of Test_Case_History object:

  ID: 777
  Test_Case_ID: 111
  Description: Created the test case
  Timestamp: When the change was made
  Author: John Smith


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2018-09-13, 1824🔥, 0💬