Interview Questions

Can You Write a JUnit 3.8 Test Class Template in 2 Minutes?

JUnit Questions and Answers

(Continued from previous question...)

Can You Write a JUnit 3.8 Test Class Template in 2 Minutes?

Writing JUnit 3.8 test class template is not that hard. You should be able to do it within 2 minutes. Here is a nice sample template:

import junit.framework.TestCase;

public class JUnit38Test extends TestCase {
  private java.util.List emptyList;

   * Sets up the test fixture. 
   * (Called before every test case method.)
  public void setUp() {
    emptyList = new java.util.ArrayList();

   * Tears down the test fixture. 
   * (Called after every test case method.)
  public void tearDown() {
    emptyList = null;
  public void testSomeBehavior() {
    assertEquals("Empty list should have 0 elements", 
      0, emptyList.size());

(Continued on next question...)

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