About Association for Software Testing


Our Mission and Purpose

The Association for Software Testing is dedicated to advancing the understanding of the science and practice of software testing according to Context-Driven principles.

The Association for Software Testing (AST) is an international non-profit professional association with members in over 50 countries. AST is dedicated and strives to build a testing community that views the role of testing as skilled, relevant, and essential to the production of faster, better, and less expensive software products. We value a scientific approach to developing and evaluating techniques, processes, and tools. We believe that a self-aware, self-critical attitude is essential to understanding and assessing the impact of new ideas on the practice of testing.

Our Objectives

  • Host an annual AST Conference to bring together developers, testers, management, and researchers in an exchange of testing practices, theories, and techniques.
  • Encourage, facilitate, and coordinate partnerships between testing experts at all levels: practitioners, management, and researchers.
  • Publish content both online and in print containing leading-edge information on testing practice and theory.
  • Support the teaching of software testing by encouraging projects to develop and publish resources that assist classroom presentation, grading, and self-study.


Our Milestones

  • February 20-21, 2017 – 1st CASTx Event (2nd Annual Conference)
  • August 8-10, 2016 – 11th annual CAST (Conference of the Association for Software Testing)
  • August 3-5, 2015 – 10th annual CAST (Conference of the Association for Software Testing)
  • August 12-13, 2014 – 9th annual CAST (Conference of the Association for Software Testing)
  • August 26-28, 2013 – 8th annual CAST (Conference of the Association for Software Testing)
  • May 19, 2013 – AST Partners with Per Scholas a non-profit IT workforce training program
  • April 10, 2013 – AST Partners with SummerQAmp a U.S. youth summer jobs program
  • July 16-18, 2012 – 7th annual CAST (Conference of the Association for Software Testing)
  • April 10, 2012 – AST Partners with SummerQAmp a U.S. youth summer jobs program
  • March 11, 2012 – Added third Black Box Software Testing (BBST) class (Test Design)
  • August 8-10, 2011 – 6th annual CAST (Conference of the Association for Software Testing)
  • August 2-5, 2010 – 5th annual CAST (Conference of the Association for Software Testing)
  • July 13-16, 2009 – 4th annual CAST (Conference of the Association for Software Testing)
  • July 14-16, 2008 – 3rd annual CAST (Conference of the Association for Software Testing)
  • May 25, 2008 – Added second Black Box Software Testing (BBST) class (Bug Advocacy)
  • October 17, 2007 – First Black Box Software Testing (BBST) class (Foundations)
  • July 9-11, 2007 – 2nd annual CAST (Conference of the Association for Software Testing)
  • June 5, 2006 – 1st annual CAST (Conference of the Association for Software Testing)
  • October 27, 2004 – granted 501(c) (3) status
  • April 14, 2004 – AST Incorporation


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