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RequisitePro tutorial
<< Extended Help | Rational TestManager >>
Chapter 5 - Creating Requirements
For More Information
For more information on using RequisitePro, start with the tutorial. To start the
RequisitePro tutorial, from the RequisitePro menu bar, click Help > Tutorial.
For more information about Rose, see Modeling the Enhancement on page 93.
Cleaning Up
Quit Extended Help.
Quit RequisitePro by clicking File > Exit from the RequisitePro menu bar. RequisitePro
asks if you're sure you want to close the project. Click Yes. If RequisitePro prompts
you to save changes, click Yes.
If necessary, quit Rose by choosing File > Exit from the Rose menu bar. If Rose prompts
you to save changes, click No.
What You Learned in This Chapter
In this chapter, you learned:
A requirement is a condition or capability to which the system must conform.
Managing requirements is a systematic approach to finding, documenting,
organizing, and tracking system features and attributes.
RequisitePro helps you manage your requirements and supports multiple
requirement types.
RequisitePro is both document-centric and database-centric, allowing your team to
benefit from the strengths of both.
When working with use cases, you work in Rose to incorporate the use case into
your visual model, then work in RequisitePro to add textual descriptions,
attributes, and links.
You have finished writing the first set of requirements when project stakeholders
and your team agree that you're finished.
Extended Help gives you immediate access to process and task information. You
can add your own information to Extended Help.
What's Next
In the next chapter, you use the requirements identified in this chapter to get started
on test planning.