Interview Questions

Within XP, are there any specification baselines, test baselines, QA Acceptance testing, and CM Release Management/Change Control?

Software Development Models

(Continued from previous question...)

Within XP, are there any specification baselines, test baselines, QA Acceptance testing, and CM Release Management/Change Control?

XP is an inherently incremental process, with software being released to "production" as frequently as possible. This generally means that programmers release their work to the common development pool approximately daily, and that means that if a full system were built on that day, their code would be included in that build. The time period between full system builds varies depending on the environment: since you have chosen a particularly difficult integration language (C++), I could imagine that you would build less frequently. We would recommend, however, that the full system be integrated as often as possible, at least daily. (This may seem aggressive to you. We'd have to talk about what is possible in your environment.)
Since XP is incremental, developers are working in short time increments we call iterations: we recommend about three weeks. Features (user stories) are broken down to the point of detail that allows a developer and his partner to implement the stories they're working on in that time period. We like the functional tests for that iteration to be complete and available no more than half-way through the iteration. (This usually means that QA is writing tests for the next iteration while this one is going on.)
All through the iteration, programmers can use QA's functional tests to determine whether they have met the requirements. (They are also using their own unit tests to determine whether their individual classes are doing what they should. This is usually at a much finer level of detail.)
Baselines work this way: when the code for a story is released, all the functional tests for it should be in place, and will ideally be working. Inevitably some will not, especially with teams just beginning with XP. One of the quality measures in the process is the daily graph of performance on functional tests. The general shape of this graph, over the course of the full system release period, is that of two s-curves: the upper curve is the total number of tests written, the lower curve is the number running at 100%. A healthy project of course shows these curves coming together at 100% by the end of the schedule.
The code management software needs of course to reflect the requirements scheduled for release. This is determined by the "customers", as part of the planning components we call the commitment schedule (overall plan for a major release) and the iteration plan (plan for a (three week) iteration). The baseline of what is in the system tracks what is actually requested by the customers. Development doesn't care whether this is new functionality or a change to old. They don't care whether a given user story addresses something that was planned for or not. XP is completely flexible with regard to change management: development merely estimates how long any desired feature will take, and works on it when "customer" schedules it into an iteration. (Dependencies of course exist, but we find that far fewer exist than most developers believe. Drilling into that subject is beyond the scope of this email.)

(Continued on next question...)

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