background image
<< The Save Files page | Startup Scripts >>
<< The Save Files page | Startup Scripts >>

The Congratulations page

Figure 16.8: The Congratulations page.
Congratulations indeed! You have successfully used the
RapidTest Script Wizard. Now that the tests are created, you will
notice that several tests have been added to your test window.
Listing 16.2 shows the test template that was created by the
win_open("Expense Calculator - (Default)",time_out);
#Enter code for window "Expense Calculator - (Default)" here

win_open("About Expense Calculator",time_out);
#Enter code for window "About Expense Calculator" here

win_open("Expense Summary",time_out);
#Enter code for window "Expense Summary" here

win_close("Expense Summary");
win_open("New Account",time_out);
#Enter code for window "New Account" here

win_close("New Account");
win_open("Open Account",time_out);
#Enter code for window "Open Account" here