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Matching Defects
TestDirector Tutorial
8 Attach the URL address for the Mercury Tours page where the defect was
Click the Attach URL button. The Attach URL dialog box opens.
Type the URL address of the Mercury Tours page. For example, type:
http://[server name]/mtours/servlet/com.mercurytours.servlet.ReservationServlet
Make sure to replace [
server name
] with your actual TestDirector server
Click OK. The URL appears above the Description box.
9 Spell check your text.
Place the cursor in the Description box, and click the Check Spelling button.
If there are no errors, a confirmation message box opens. If errors are found,
the Spelling dialog box opens and displays the word together with
replacement suggestions.
10 Add the defect to the TestDirector project.
Click the Submit button. A confirmation message box indicates that the
defect was added successfully. Click OK.
11 Close the Add Defect dialog box.
Click Close. The defect is listed in the Defects Grid.
Matching Defects
Matching defects enables you to eliminate duplicate or similar defects in
your project. Each time you add a new defect, TestDirector stores lists of
keywords from the Summary and Description fields. When you search for
similar defects, keywords in these fields are matched against other defects.
Note that keywords are more than two characters, and letter case does not
affect your results. TestDirector ignores the following: articles (a, an, the);
coordinate conjunctions (and, but, for, nor, or); boolean operators (and, or,
not, if, or then); and wildcards (?, *, [ ]).
In the following exercise, you will match defects by comparing a selected
defect with all other existing defects in the TestDirector_Demo project.