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Setting Up the Runtime Environment

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Getting Started: A Tutorial
2 P
Setting Up to Test Client/Server Applications
SilkTest creates your project and displays nodes on the Files and Global tabs
for the files and resources associated with this project.
You are now ready to set up the Runtime environment for the GMO Client/
Server application.
Setting Up the Runtime Environment
In this tutorial you will use SilkTest to test the Green Mountain Outpost
client/server application. As you go through the following chapters you will
create files that provide the structure to your testing effort. These files
include the testplan, test frame and the test script (also simply called script).
You will also be asked to use files, completed versions of those that you
created, that have been provided for use with this tutorial.
The Runtime Options dialog allows you to specify settings that SilkTest uses
when running a script. For the purpose of this tutorial our only concern will
be with the Use Files and the Default Browser. For more information about
the Runtime Options dialog, see the online Help.
Specifying the Use
The Use Files specifies the names of one or more include files for SilkTest to
automatically load at startup. This means that SilkTest is able to use the
object descriptions, as declared in these .inc files, to recognize the GUI
objects in your application.
When you record a test frame, the full path of the test frame is automatically
added to the Use Files text box. However, for the purpose of this tutorial you
will be using a test frame, that can be found in <GMO installation
>/Exercise. You will learn more about the test frame when you
create one in
Chapter 4, "Capturing Your Application"
For now, you will need to manually tell SilkTest where to find the
file when SilkTest starts. You do this through the Runtime Options dialog.