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Glossary - child object
<< Glossary | Glossary - dynamic link library >>
User's Guide
class mapping
Association of nonstandard custom objects with standard objects understood
by SilkTest.
client area
A window's internal area less the scroll bars, title bar, and borders.
custom object
Nonstandard object that SilkTest does not know, by default, how to interact
data-driven testcase
Generalized testcase that receives many combinations of data from 4Test
functions and/or a testplan.
data member
Variable defined within a class or window declaration.
See window declarations.
Built-in application state function that returns your application to its base
state. By default, the built-in DefaultBaseState ensures that the application is
running and is not minimized, the main window of the application is open,
and all other windows (for example, dialogs and messages boxes) are closed.
See also base state.
Difference Viewer
Dual-paned display-only window that lists every expected value in a testcase
and its corresponding actual value. Highlights all occurrences where
expected and actual values differ. You display the Difference Viewer by
selecting the box icon in the results file.
dynamic instantiation
Creation of a fully qualified object name for a GUI object based on the
object's class and tag. Done automatically whenever the recorded object has
no associated declaration defined in the test frame file. See also fully
qualified object name
dynamic link library
A library of reusable functions that allow code, data, and resources to be
shared among programs using the module. Programs are linked to the module
dynamically at runtime.
Signal that something did not work as expected in a script. Logs the error in
the results file.
frame file
See test frame file.
fully qualified object
Name that uniquely identifies a GUI object. The actual format depends on
whether or not a window declaration has been previously recorded for the
object and its ancestors. See also dynamic instantiation.
group description
In QA Organizer, one or more lines in an outline that describe a group of
tests, not a single test. Group descriptions by default are displayed in black.
See also test description.