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Rational PureCoverage
<< Rational Purify | Rational Quantify >>
Run-Time Analysis Tools in Rational Suite
Rational PureCoverage
To effectively test an application, you need to know which parts of the application
were exercised during a test and which ones were missed. Without this information,
you can waste valuable time editing, compiling, and debugging your software
without actually testing the critical problem areas.
With Rational PureCoverage, you can quickly and easily identify the gaps in your
testing of Visual C++, Visual Basic, and Java programs.
PureCoverage is especially useful as a companion to Rational Purify and Rational
Robot: it can tell you whether you are exercising your code sufficiently for Purify to
find all of your memory errors and for Robot to test all of your application's
functionality (see Figure 36). It is essential to an automated testing environment.
Figure 36
Sample Test Coverage Results from Rational Quantify