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<< Signature Options | Editing Message Signatures >>
<< Signature Options | Editing Message Signatures >>

Message Syntax

Scenario Tests
You can use message signatures for several purposes. For example, you can:
Change parameter names to force the correlation results that you want.
Add assignments to give initial values to parameters.
Add assignments to give names to function results correlated with parameters.
If you change message signature options from one style to another in
Rose--for example, from Name and Type to Type Only--every modification made to
a manually edited message name is erased. Therefore, decide early on how you want
message signatures displayed and do not change the options after you have modified
the messages.
Message Syntax
When you generate a scenario test from Rose, QualityArchitect parses the diagram to
determine the name, type, and initial data for each parameter (argument) in a
message signature.
Parameter name
. For each parameter in the message signature, QualityArchitect
uses the name from the message signature in the diagram. If no name is included
in the message, QualityArchitect uses the name property of the associated
Parameter type
. For each parameter in the message signature, QualityArchitect
uses the type from the associated parameter object, regardless of what is in the
Parameter's initial data
. For each parameter in the message signature,
QualityArchitect uses the value to the right of the equals sign. If no initial data is
included in the signature, QualityArchitect uses the Initial Data property of the
associated parameter. If no Initial Data property is set and no initial data is
specified in the diagram, then NULL or some other suitable value for the data type
is used. Thus, you can select the
option in the Message Signatures box and
still get a valid test script.
When only the name or type of a parameter is present in the message,
QualityArchitect compares this name or type to the actual type in the corresponding
parameter object. If they are the same, QualityArchitect uses the name from the
parameter object as the script variable name for the parameter. If they are different,
QualityArchitect uses the name used in the message and takes the type from the
parameter object.