Interview Questions

ETL interview questions only

ETL (extract, transform, and load) Testing Interview Questions

(Continued from previous question...)

ETL interview questions only

What is data mart?
Who are the participants of data warehouse testing?
What are OLTP and OLAP?
What is look up table?
What is Master data management?
What is the difference between OLAP and OLTP?
Tell me about your ETL workflow process?
What is the difference between Operational Database and Warehouse?
What type of approach you follow in your project?
What is the difference between Data Mart and data ware house?
In your project you are using which type of data base and how much space ?
Explain the test case template?
What is the difference between Severity and Priority?
What is the difference between SDLC and STLC?
What is the difference between Issue Log and Clarification Log?
What type of bugs you have faced in your project?
What is Banking?
Explain what are the types of Banking?
What is the difference between Dimension table and Fact table?
Explain SCD’s and their types? how it will be used?
Explain Bug reporting?
Are you using any models in SDLC?
Which process used in ETL Testing?
What is unit testing? who will do this?
Whats the difference between Incremental Load and Initial Load?
Through which document you have done your project?
Are you using Requirement tab in QC?
What is Data Mart?
Data Warehouse Testing vs Database Testing
Who are the participants of data warehouse testing
How to prepare test cases for ETL / Data Warehousing testing?
What is OLTP and OLAP
What is look up table
What is MDM (Master data management)
Give some examples of real time data warehousing

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