Software QA FYI - SQAFYI

Software QA/Testing Technical FAQs

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Tell me about daily builds and smoke tests.
The idea is to build the product every day, and test it every day. The software development process at Microsoft and many other software companies requires daily builds and smoke tests. According to their process, every day, every single file has to be compiled, linked, and combined into an executable program; and then the program has to be "smoke tested".
Smoke testing is a relatively simple check to see whether the product "smokes" when it runs.
Please note that you should add revisions to the build only when it makes sense to do so. You should to establish a build group, and build daily; set your own standard for what constitutes "breaking the build", and create a penalty for breaking the build, and check for broken builds every day.
In addition to the daily builds, you should smoke test the builds, and smoke test them Daily. You should make the smoke test evolve, as the system evolves. You should build and smoke test Daily, even when the project is under pressure.
Think about the many benefits of this process! The process of daily builds and smoke tests minimizes the integration risk, reduces the risk of low quality, supports easier defect diagnosis, improves morale, enforces discipline, and keeps pressure cooker projects on track. If you build and smoke test DAILY, success will come, even when you're working on large projects!

How to Read data from the Telnet session?

[+] window DialogBox Putty
[ ] tag "* - PuTTY"
[ ]
[ ] // Capture the screen contents and return as a list of strings
[+] LIST OF STRING getScreenContents()
[ ]
[ ] LIST OF STRING ClipboardContents
[ ]
[ ] // open the system menu and select copy all to clipboard menu command
[ ] this.TypeKeys("<ALT-SPACE>o")
[ ]
[ ] // get the clipboard contents
[ ]
[ ] ClipboardContents = Clipboard.getText()
[ ] return ClipboardContents

I then created a function that searches the screen contents for the required data to validate. This works fine for me. Here it is to study. Hope it may help
void CheckOutPut(string sErrorMessage)
[ ]Putty.setActive ()
[ ]
[ ] // Capture screen contents
[ ] lsScreenContents = Putty.GetScreenContents ()
[ ] Sleep(1)
[ ] // Trim Screen Contents
[ ] lsScreenContents = TrimScreenContents (lsScreenContents)
[ ] Sleep(1)
[-] if (sBatchSuccess == "Yes")
[-] if (ListFind (lsScreenContents, "BUILD FAILED"))
[ ] LogError("Process should not have failed.")
[-] if (ListFind (lsScreenContents, "BUILD SUCCESSFUL"))
[ ] Print("Successful")
[ ] break
[ ] // Check to see if launcher has finished
[-] else
[-] if (ListFind (lsScreenContents, "BUILD FAILED") == 0)
[ ] LogError("Error should have failed.")
[ ] break
[-] else
[ ] // Check for Date Conversion Error
[-] if (ListFind (lsScreenContents, sErrorMessage) == 0)
[ ] LogError ("Error handle")
[ ] Print("Expected - {sErrorMessage}")
[ ] ListPrint(lsScreenContents)
[ ] break
[-] else
[ ] break
[ ]
[ ] // Raise exception if kPlatform not equal to windows or putty
[+] default
[ ] raise 1, "Unable to run console: - Please specify setting"
[ ]

What is the difference between system testing and integration testing?
"System testing" is a high level testing, and "integration testing" is a lower level testing. Integration testing is completed first, not the system testing. In other words, upon completion of integration testing, system testing is started, and not vice versa.
For integration testing, test cases are developed with the express purpose of exercising the interfaces between the components. For system testing, the complete system is configured in a controlled environment, and test cases are developed to simulate real life scenarios that occur in a simulated real life test environment.
The purpose of integration testing is to ensure distinct components of the application still work in accordance to customer requirements. The purpose of system testing is to validate an application's accuracy and completeness in performing the functions as designed, and to test all functions of the system that are required in real life.

How to trace fixed bug in test case?

The fixed defects can be tracked in the defect tracking tool. I think it is out of scope of a test case to maintain this.
The defect tracking tool should indicate that the problem has been fixed, and the associated test case now has a passing result.
If and when you report test results for this test cycle, you should provide this sort of information; i.e., test failed, problem report written, problem fixed, test passed, etc...

As using Jira (like Bugzilla) to manage your testcases as well as your bugs. When a test discovers a bug, you will link the two, marking the test as "in work" and "waiting for bug X". Now, when the developer resolves the bug and you retest it, you see the link to the tescase and retest/close it.

What is the difference between performance testing and load testing?
Load testing is a blanket term that is used in many different ways across the professional software testing community. The term, load testing, is often used synonymously with stress testing, performance testing, reliability testing, and volume testing. Load testing generally stops short of stress testing. During stress testing, the load is so great that errors are the expected results, though there is gray area in between stress testing and load testing.

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Software QA/Testing Technical FAQs