Software QA FYI - SQAFYI

Glossary of Software QA/Testing

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"Utilization" is the ratio of time a system is busy (i.e. working for us), divided by the time it is available. For example, if a system was available for 160 hours and busy for 40 hours, then utilization was (40/160 =) 25 per cent. Utilization is a useful measure in evaluating computer performance.

Variable trace
1. "Variable trace" is a (computer) record of the names and the values of variables accessed and/or changed during the execution of a computer program.

2. "Value trace" is same as variable trace. It is a (computer) record of the names and values of variables accessed and/or changed during the execution of a computer program.

A variable
"Variables" are data items in a program whose values can change. There are local and global variables. One example is a variable we have named "capacitor_voltage_10000", where "capacitor_voltage_10000" can be any whole number between -10000 and +10000.

A variant
"Variants" are versions of a program. Variants result from the application of software diversity.

A software version
A software version is an initial release (or re-release) of a software associated with a complete compilation (or recompilation) of the software.

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Glossary of Software QA/Testing