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<< Adding a delay to the Accounting user group | Use a coordinated transactor >>
<< Adding a delay to the Accounting user group | Use a coordinated transactor >>

A built-in synchronization point

Inserting Other Items into a Suite
However, suppose that the Accounting group instead calculates the hours and the
taxes at the specific rate of 10 transactions per hour. You could edit the suite to reflect
this by replacing the selector and delay with a transactor. The following suite shows
the Accounting user group after you have added a transactor:
This suite is identical to the one on page 281, except that it contains:
A transactor, which tells TestManager the rate that you want to maintain, and how
long you want to maintain this rate.
A scenario, which contains the items that the transactor runs.
A transactor can be one of two types:
A Coordinated transactor, which has a built-in synchronization point, lets you
specify the total rate that you want to achieve. The virtual testers work together to
generate the workload. For example, if you run a suite with 10 virtual testers and
then run the same suite with 20 virtual testers, the total transaction rate stays the