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Number of Virtual Testers Supported Under Normal Conditions

Chapter 9 - Performance Testing Concepts
With TestManager, you could model this type of workload by incrementally loading
virtual testers. You would start by developing a model of the workload that you want
to test. For example, write down the frequency and volume of use of your
applications. Then, when setting up your suite:
Schedule different user groups to start at different times over the life of the suite.
For each user group, set the number of virtual testers that run the test script and an
iteration count (optional) as appropriate for your test.
By layering the start time and iteration count of your virtual testers, you build up
workload incrementally. You also can add workload spikes at specific times in your
suite run.
The following describes a sample test that represents overlapping shifts:
You start a suite with 100 virtual testers. This group of virtual testers represents the
early shift of entry clerks repeating the same group of order entry transactions
over and over. Set each virtual tester to run many iterations of the transaction, and
set enough iterations to keep this group of virtual testers running the test script
until the suite ends. You may have to experiment to determine how many
iterations you need.
Through a suite, set a
. The
Delay type
might be from the start of the suite, or it
might begin at a certain time of day. When the delay is over, 200 new virtual testers
begin. This is the next shift of entry clerks, which overlaps the first shift.
During the combined shift, which represents peak workload, 300 virtual testers
perform transactions repeatedly.