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Marking Testplans - Creating and modifying testplan queries
<< Marking Testplans - Marking commands on the tool bar | Marking Testplans - How to create a new query >>
User's Guide
11 C
Creating and modifying testplan queries
sense to retain previous marks. However, Mark by Query, which allows one-
time-only queries, lets you override the default behavior and retain existing
marks. To retain existing marks, deselect the Unmark All Before Query check
box in the Mark by Query dialog.
Printing marked tests
Procedure To print the testplan showing only marked tests, select File/Print
and make sure the Print Marked Only check box is selected in the Print
dialog, as well as any other options you want. Select OK to print the listing.
Creating and modifying testplan queries
A testplan query is used to mark all tests that match a user-selected set of
criteria, or test characteristics.
Query criteria
A query comprises one or more of the following criteria:
Testplan execution: script file, testcase name, or test data
Test attributes and values
Symbols and values
Test attributes and symbols must have been previously defined to be used in a
query. For more information on defining symbols, see "Typing data directly
into the testplan" on page 225.
Example: You want to mark all tests in the testplan that meet all three of
these criteria: They are defined in the script file find.t, the value of the
Developer attribute is Dave, and the value of the symbol $TestLevel is 2.
Named versus
unnamed queries
Queries can be named or unnamed. However, unnamed queries can be run
only once. If you name the query, you can have QA Organizer run it in the
same or subsequent work sessions without having to rebuild the query or
manually remark the tests that you're interested in rerunning or reporting on.
Two query marking
Testplan/Mark by Query or Testplan/Mark by Named Query both create
queries; however, Mark by Named Query provides extra features, like the
ability to combine queries or to create a query without running it
immediately. If the query-creation function and the query-running function
are distinct in your company, then use Mark by Named Query. If you intend
to run a query only once, or run a query while keeping existing marks, then
use Mark by Query.