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<< Glossary | Configuration management >>
<< Glossary | Configuration management >>

Beyond Stack Read

Test RealTime - User Guide
Branch: When referring to the Code Coverage feature, a branch denotes a generic unit of
enumeration.For a given branch, you specify the coverage type. Code Coverage
instruments this branch when you compile the source under test.
Branch coverage: Achieved when every path from a control flow graph node has been
executed at least once by a test suite. It improves on statement coverage because each
branch is taken at least once.
Breakpoint: A statement whose execution causes a debugger to halt execution and return
control to the user.
BSR: Beyond Stack Read
BSW: Beyond Stack Write
Bug: An error or defect in software or hardware that causes a program to malfunction.
Build: The executable(s) produced by a build generation process. This process may
involve actual translation of source files and construction of binary files by e.g.
compilers, linkers and text formatters.
Build generation: The process of selecting and merging specific versions of source and
binary files for translation and linking within a component and among components.
Check-in: In configuration management, the release of exclusive control of a
configuration item.
Check-out: In configuration management, the granting of exclusive control of a
configuration item to a single user.
Class: A representation or source code construct used to create objects. Defines public,
protected, and private attributes, methods, messages, and inherited features. An object is
an instance of some class. A class is an abstract, static definition of an object. It defines
and implements instance variables and methods.
Class contract: The set of assertions at method and class scope, inherited assertions, and
Class invariant: An assertion that specifies properties that must be true of every object of
a class.
Clear box testing: A software testing technique whereby explicit knowledge of the
internal workings of the item being tested are used to select the test data. Test RealTime
leverages the power of source code analysis to initiate the creation of white box tests.