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<< Understanding Component Testing UML Sequence Diagrams | Packed Array and Structure Display >>

Comparing C Test Reports

Test RealTime - User Guide
During the execution of the test, Component Testing generates trace data this is used
by the UML/SD Viewer. The Component Testing sequence diagram uses standard
UML notation to represent both Component Testing results.
When using Component Testing for C with Runtime Tracing or other Test RealTime
features that generate UML sequence diagrams, all results are merged in the same
sequence diagram.
You can click any element of the UML sequence diagram to open the test report at
the corresponding line. Click again in the test report, and you will locate the line in
the .pts test script.
Comparing C Test Reports
The Component Testing comparison capability allows you to compare the results of
the last two consecutive tests.
To activate the comparison mode, select Display diff of last two test runs in the
Component Testing Settings for C dialog box.
In comparison mode an additional check is performed to identify possible
regressions when compared with the previous test run.
The Component Testing Report displays an extra column named "Obtained Value
Comparison" containing the actual difference between the current report and the
previous report.
Array and Structure Display
The Array and Structure Display option indicates the way in which Component
Testing processes variable array and structure statements. This option is part of the
Component Testing Settings for C dialog box.
Standard Array and Structure Display
This option processes arrays and structures according to the statement with which
they are declared. This is the default operating mode of Component Testing. The
default report format is the Standard editing.
Extended Array and Structure Display
Arrays of variables may be processed after the keywords VAR or ARRAY, and
structured variables after the keywords VAR, ARRAY, or STRUCTURE:
After a VAR statement, each element in the array is initialized and tested one by
one. Likewise, each member of a structure that is an array is initialized and
tested element by element.
After an ARRAY statement, the entire array is initialized and checked. Likewise,
each member of a structure is initialized and checked element by element.