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<< Datapools in Unit Tests | Static Verification Points >>

Verification Points

Test Script Services
Data Types
Data types are used to define datapool columns. You assign data types to datapool
columns when you define the columns in the Datapool Specification dialog box.
For Java, QualityArchitect supports all native data types plus
For Visual Basic, values are retrieved as variants containing strings.
For a complete list of available data types, see the TestManager Help.
Complex data types are not currently supported in datapools. However, you
can construct complex data types at runtime based on the primitive data types that
the datapool supplies.
Verification Points
A verification point (VP) is a functional testing construct used by a test script to verify
specific behavior in the application or component-under-test. In QualityArchitect, a
verification point compares an expected data object with an actual data object. The
result of this comparison is logged, allowing for analysis of overall functional
correctness and test case coverage.
How Data Is Verified
A verification point operates on two different types of data:
Data that is known to be correct.
For example, this data might be captured when the component is known to be
functioning correctly, or from a source that is known to contain the correct data.
Data that is known to be correct is called the expected data.
Data whose validity is unknown and must be verified.
This data is captured at test runtime and is called the actual data.
A verification point compares expected data and actual data. If the data matches (or
optionally, satisfies some other condition, such as falling within an accepted range),
the verification point passes. Otherwise, the verification point fails. Verification point
results are automatically logged and viewed in the Rational Test Log window.