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<< Percentile Graph | Performance Under Load Graph >>
<< Percentile Graph | Performance Under Load Graph >>

Compare the Percentile graph

Analyzing Test Results · Analyzing Scenario Performance
LoadRunner Controller User's Guide (Windows)
Chapter 15, page 246
represents the percentage of the total number of transactions measured
during the scenario run. The
represents the time taken to perform the
In the above example, a system administrator determines that 2 seconds is an
acceptable time for a particular transaction. If 95 percent of the transactions are 2
seconds or less, the current configuration is suitable. If more than five percent of
the transactions have a response time greater than fifteen, the configuration must
be optimized. In the above graph, 95 percent of the
transactions were
performed in 2 seconds or less.
Compare the Percentile graph to a graph indicating average response time such
as the Transaction Performance Summary graph. A high response time for several
transactions may raise the overall average. However, if the transactions with a high
response time occurred fewer than five percent of the times, that factor may be