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There are two methods to test the properties of an Oracle object.
1. Object Properties verification point - Use to test properties while recording or editing a script.
2. Object Scripting commands - Use to test properties programmatically while editing a script.

Robot Support for HTML Applications.
Rational Robot provides comprehensive support for testing HTML applications that run on the World Wide Web. Robot lets you test both static and dynamically-generated pages accessed from both standard and secured HTTP servers, regardless of make or model. Robot examines the data and properties of each HTML element, letting you test the elements that appear on your Web pages, including table data, links, and form elements, such as buttons, check boxes, lists, and text.

Configuring Your Browser before you record scripts.
Before you record scripts, you should configure Internet Explorer and/or Netscape Navigator so that scripts will play back in the same way as when you recorded them. For best results, you should configure Internet Explorer and/or Navigator identically on both the computer that you record scripts on and the computer that you play back scripts on. In addition, you should disable the cookie prompt.

Verifying that the HTML Extension Is Loaded.
To test HTML applications, you must first make sure that the HTML extension is loaded in Robot. To do this:
1. Start Robot.
2. Click Tools > Extension Manager.
3. Ver i f y t ha t HTML-MSIE or HTML-Navigator is selected. If not, select it. 4. To improve the performance of Robot, clear the check boxes of all environments that you do not plan to test.
5. Exit Robot.

Enabling HTML Testing in Robot.
After loading the HTML extension, you must enable HTML testing so that Robot can recognize HTML elements. You can do this either by starting Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator through the Robot Start Browser command or by loading the Rational ActiveX Test control.
To enable HTML testing using the Start Browser command:
1. Start recording in Robot. To record, click the Record GUI Script button on the Robot toolbar.
2. Type a script name or select a name from the list.
3. Click OK to display the GUI Record toolbar.
4. Click the Display GUI Insert Toolbar button on the GUI Record toolbar.
5. Click the Start Browser button on the GUI Insert toolbar.
6. Type the URL of the HTML application that you plan to test, or click Browse and select a local file.
7. Type the name of a tag to uniquely identify this instance of the browser. By using tags, you can test multiple instances of the browser.
8. Click OK.

How to test an HTML element’s data?

  1. Start recording in Robot.
  2. Navigate to the Web page that contains the elements to test. For example, navigate to the page that is returned after the user submits a page to be processed.
  3. Click the Object Data Verification Point button on the GUI Insert toolbar.
  4. Assign a name, wait state, and expected result for the verification point and then click OK.
  5. In the Select Object dialog box, drag the Object Finder tool over the page until the element that you want to test appears in the TestTip.
  6. Release the mouse button and click OK.
  7. If the Object Data Test dialog box appears, select the data test to use and click OK.
  8. Select the verification method that Robot should use to compare the baseline data captured while recording with the data captured during playback.
  9. Click OK.
  10. When finished, click the Stop Recording button on the GUI Record toolbar.

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Rational Robot FAQ