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Q:What do you verify with the database checkpoint default and what command it generates, explain syntax?

  • By adding runtime database record checkpoints you can compare the information in your application during a test run with the corresponding record in your database. By adding standard database checkpoints to your test scripts, you can check the contents of databases in different versions of your application.
  • When you create database checkpoints, you define a query on your database, and your database checkpoint checks the values contained in the result set. The result set is set of values retrieved from the results of the query.
  • You can create runtime database record checkpoints in order to compare the values displayed in your application during the test run with the corresponding values in the database. If the comparison does not meet the success criteria you
  • specify for the checkpoint, the checkpoint fails. You can define a successful runtime database record checkpoint as one where one or more matching records were found, exactly one matching record was found, or where no matching records are found.
  • You can create standard database checkpoints to compare the current values of the properties of the result set during the test run to the expected values captured during recording or otherwise set before the test run. If the expected results and the current results do not match, the database checkpoint fails. Standard database checkpoints are useful when the expected results can be established before the test run.
    Syntax: db_check(checklist_file, expected_restult);
  • You can add a runtime database record checkpoint to your test in order to compare information that appears in your application during a test run with the current value(s) in the corresponding record(s) in your database. You add runtime database record checkpoints by running the Runtime Record Checkpoint wizard. When you are finished, the wizard inserts the appropriate db_record_check statement into your script.
    Syntax: db_record_check(ChecklistFileName,SuccessConditions,RecordNumber );
    ChecklistFileName ---- A file created by WinRunner and saved in the test's checklist folder. The file contains information about the data to be captured during the test run and its corresponding field in the database. The file is created based on the information entered in the Runtime Record Verification wizard.
    SuccessConditions ----- Contains one of the following values:
    1. DVR_ONE_OR_MORE_MATCH - The checkpoint passes if one or more matching database records are found.
    2. DVR_ONE_MATCH - The checkpoint passes if exactly one matching database record is found.
    3. DVR_NO_MATCH - The checkpoint passes if no matching database records are found.
    RecordNumber --- An out parameter returning the number of records in the database.

Q:How do you handle dynamically changing area of the window in the bitmap checkpoints?

The difference between bitmaps option in the Run Tab of the general options defines the minimum number of pixels that constitute a bitmap mismatch

Q:What do you verify with the database check point custom and what command it generates, explain syntax?

  • When you create a custom check on a database, you create a standard database checkpoint in which you can specify which properties to check on a result set.
  • You can create a custom check on a database in order to:
    • check the contents of part or the entire result set
    • edit the expected results of the contents of the result set
    • count the rows in the result set
    • count the columns in the result set
  • You can create a custom check on a database using ODBC, Microsoft Query or Data Junction.

Q:What do you verify with the sync point for object/window property and what command it generates, explain syntax?

  • Synchronization compensates for inconsistencies in the performance of your application during a test run. By inserting a synchronization point in your test script, you can instruct WinRunner to suspend the test run and wait for a cue before continuing the test.
  • You can a synchronization point that instructs WinRunner to wait for a specified object or window to appear. For example, you can tell WinRunner to wait for a window to open before performing an operation within that window, or you may want WinRunner to wait for an object to appear in order to perform an operation on that object.
  • You use the obj_exists function to create an object synchronization point, and you use the win_exists function to create a window synchronization point. These functions have the following syntax:
    obj_exists ( object [, time ] ); win_exists ( window [, time ] );

Q:What do you verify with the sync point for object/window bitmap and what command it generates, explain syntax?

You can create a bitmap synchronization point that waits for the bitmap of an object or a window to appear in the application being tested.
During a test run, WinRunner suspends test execution until the specified bitmap is redrawn, and then compares the current bitmap with the expected one captured earlier. If the bitmaps match, then WinRunner continues the test.
obj_wait_bitmap ( object, image, time );
win_wait_bitmap ( window, image, time );

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Mercury WinRunner FAQ