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Automating Javascript Testing, Deploy with npm & Travis CI to Github (part 3)


Not long ago, I wrote about my experience and setup of Travis CI for running javascript testing (on an angular based web application) on my open source project, Echoes Player. On last week, I completed my setup with an auto deployment – in which I share the solution that worked for me.

Initial Setup
Echoes Player is a pure web ui application for playing and managing media from youtube. The backend for this app is youtube’s data api. The current version of Echoes is wrapped with angularjs.

It is developed with bdd in mind, using jasmine.js as a testing framework in order to write tests, spy on functions and setup expectations.

To run the tests, I use karma test runner – which orchestrates the environment setup to run the tests.

When the project is developed or run in Travis, I use Phantomjs as the javascript engine to run the tests on. Karma also preprocesses some source files in order to compile code from es2015 to es5, convert templates to compiled templates (optimisation for angular) and more.
CI with Travis

Up until a week ago, I used Travis as a second protection for running javascript unit tests. Travis is a cloud service for continuos integration and deploy. Those javascript unit tests ran on each commit and pull request that was pushed to echoes repository. In Travis I also successfully integrated browserstack, in order to run e2e tests of the new repository version on a selected remote group of browsers.
With this setup, whenever there were errors in tests or in build, I was informed by email to the right spot. It is very powerful workflow.

Release with npm
Echoes Player is deployed to github pages (remember – it’s a ui based app), so, all I had to do is push a new version of bundled code to gh-pages branch of my repository.

The preparation for release involves several steps to take before pushing to github the new code. For that, I’m using npm’s scripts feature – I defined a custom script – “release” – script that will run the required operations before i can commit to github.

"scripts": { "test": "gulp test && ; protractor ./gulp/config/", "release": "gulp dist:prepare && gulp build && ; gulp style && ; gulp assets && ; gulp dist && ; gulp dist:rev" },

"scripts": {
"test": "gulp test && protractor ./gulp/config/", "release": "gulp dist:prepare && gulp build && gulp style && ;gulp assets && ; gulp dist && ; gulp dist:rev"

Automating Deployment to Github with Travis

The new addition to echoes ci scripts added automatic deployment to github after a successful unit tests session. Adding this step was a bit of challenge, after reading a few articles things still didn’t work as expected. Only after experimenting with my own configuration and understanding, I finally completed the ci flow to be complete with Travis.

I took the approach of pushing a new version of code to gh-pages while not keeping the history. This approach simply worked after many other tries. The steps for adding Auto Deployment in Travis

First, create a new github token for travis and generate an encrypted travis key (there’s also an npm package for generating Travis tokens with node).

Then, I added the secured key to the yml file – Usually, the token generation process will prompt to add the new key to your project’s yml file.

finally, add this after_success step:
after_success: - git config --global "" - git config --global "travis-ci" - npm run release - cd dist - git init - git add . - git commit -m "deployed new version from travis" - git push --force --quiet "https://${GH_TOKEN}@${GH_REF}" master:gh-pages > /dev/null 2>&1

- git config --global ""
- git config --global "travis-ci"
- npm run release
- cd dist
- git init
- git add .
- git commit -m "deployed new version from travis"
- git push --force --quiet "https://${GH_TOKEN}@${GH_REF}" master:gh-pages > /dev/null 2>&1

few notes on the after_success flow:

Full article...

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Automating Javascript Testing, Deploy with npm & Travis CI to Github (part 3)