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<< The virtual testers pause at the synchronization point | Why Use Synchronization Points? >>

The virtual testers in the Accounting user group wait

Chapter 10 - Designing Performance Testing Suites
The virtual testers in the Accounting user group wait at the synchronization point.
The virtual testers in the Data Entry and Sales user groups perform the Set Up
Database Application scenario and then wait at the synchronization point. When all
the virtual testers reach the synchronization point, they are released.
If you run the test with 10,000 virtual testers, when all the virtual testers reach the
Stress Test synchronization point, they are released. In this example:
Each of the 2000 virtual testers in the Accounting group calculates the hours and
taxes, pauses for two minutes, and then calculates the hours and taxes again. Each
virtual tester repeats this 100 times.
Each of the 3000 virtual testers in the Data Entry group adds, deletes, or modifies a
record. Each virtual tester repeats this 100 times.
Each of the 5000 virtual testers in the Sales group reads a record. Each virtual tester
repeats this 200 times.
When setting synchronization points, you must specify how virtual testers are
released from the synchronization point:
Together ­ Releases all virtual testers at once.
Specify a restart time to delay the virtual testers. For example, if you set the Restart
time to 4 seconds, after the virtual testers all reach the synchronization point (or
the time-out occurs), they wait 4 seconds, and then they are all released.
The default restart time is 0, which means that when the last virtual tester reaches
the synchronization point, all virtual testers are released immediately.
Staggered ­ Releases the virtual testers one by one.
The amount of time that each virtual tester waits to be released is chosen at
random and is uniformly distributed within the range of the specified minimum
and maximum time. For example, if the minimum time is 1 second and the
maximum time is 4 seconds, after the virtual testers reach the synchronization
point (or the time-out occurs) each virtual tester waits between 1 and 4 seconds
before being released. All virtual testers are distributed randomly between 1 and 4
The time-out period for a synchronization point specifies the total time that
TestManager waits for virtual testers to reach the synchronization point. If all the
virtual testers associated with a synchronization point do not reach the
synchronization point when the time-out period ends, TestManager releases any
virtual testers waiting there. The time-out period begins when the first virtual tester
arrives at the synchronization point.