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The Suite - Overall View

Monitoring Test Runs
The two suite views are:
Suite - Overall
­ Use this view to display general information about the status of
the suite. TestManager displays this view by default when you run a suite.
Suite - Users
Suite - Computers
­ Use this view to display the exact suite
progress of a particular virtual tester.
The Suite - Overall View
To display the Suite - Overall view:
During a suite run, click
Monitor > Suite > Overall
The Suite - Overall view is similar to the actual suite that you have designed.
However, it contains two additional columns:
column shows how many iterations are in the suite item and the iteration
in progress, averaged over all virtual testers currently executing that suite item.
For example, 8/20 indicates that, for the virtual testers currently executing that suite
item, on the average, the virtual testers are executing the 8th of 20 total iterations.