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Checking Agent Computers

Chapter 5 - Executing Tests
Checking a Suite
While you are working on a suite, you might change it so that it does not run correctly.
For example, you might insert a test script into a suite before it is recorded. Although
TestManager automatically checks a suite before it runs, you can check a suite without
actually running it. This can help you identify and correct problems.
To check a suite:
File > Open Suite
and then select a suite.
Suite > Check Suite
TestManager checks a suite for many kinds of errors, including the following:
The suite does not contain any user or computer groups. A suite must have at least
one user or computer group to run.
The suite contains an empty user or computer group. Delete either the user or
computer group, or add test scripts and other items to it.
A user or computer group contains an empty scenario. Either delete the scenario or
add items to it.
The suite contains a selector that is empty. Either delete this selector or add
properties to it.
A test asset (computer, computer list, test script, suite, or test case) in the suite has
been deleted.
You can set options so that the suite is checked automatically whenever you
save it. To check the suite automatically, click
Tools > Options
, click the
Create Suite
tab, and then select the
Check suite when saving
check box.
Checking Agent Computers
If you are running virtual testers on Agent computers, it is a good idea to check the
Agents before you run the suite. This way, you can determine whether any problems
exist before you run the suite.
When you check Agent computers, TestManager ensures that:
All of the Agent computers specified for virtual testers actually exist.
For example, if you incorrectly typed the name of an Agent computer,
TestManager notifies you.
The Agent computers are available and running.